
Digital Hearing Aids Or Analog – What’s the Difference?

When choosing a hearing device, there are many different options available on the market today. Digital hearing aids offer many advantages over traditional auditory enhancement instruments, and may be a better choice for some people. In the same token, the familiar interface and features of analog hearing devices also appeal to consumers. Nowadays, people with mild to moderate hearing loss have many options than in the past.


Analog hearing instruments are the traditional devices that most people are familiar with. These instruments work by converting sound waves to electrical waves and thereby helping users to hear more clearly. With an analog, all noises are amplified equally, and there is no select filtration of noises, which can create interference in some models.


Digital hearing aids are based on the same principal as their analog counterparts. However, instead of converting sound waves into electrical waves, these devices convert sound waves into digital code and then transmit the code directly back to the device. The result is a not only a clearer sound, but it’s also crisper and much more finely detailed.

Choosing Hearing Aids

Both types of hearing aids have advantages and disadvantages that should be carefully analyzed before making a decision. Analog does not have the advantage of digital sound quality, but they do have several customizable features that make them popular with users. Digital offers superior sound quality and are more technologically advanced, but do not have some of the customizable features that make their analog counterparts so appealing. When choosing hearing devices for yourself or family members, take into account your personal auditory needs, your preferences, and the recommendations of your doctor and your audiologist.


Highly Targeted Email Marketing That Works – A Case Study

It’s difficult to get published, by many estimates less than 1% of would be authors ever receive an offer from a reputable publisher. Of course it is easier to get published if you have a literary agent representing you than if you approach publishers directly. Landing an agent is a formidable challenge, though for many authors, literary agents offer the most viable path to “traditionally” publish a book.

Finding and signing with a literary agent seemed no different to me than finding and closing a prospect for any product, service or solution. To get started, I began with handful of Google searches, which resulted in many sites listing literary agents. Next, I downloaded about 1,200 agents from several of these online sources into an Excel file. Agents are outwardly facing, meaning they offer several ways for would be authors to contact then.

Many agents list their emails for book query submissions (a brief letter or email to whet the interest of a prospective agent). Of the 1,200 agents downloaded, 400 which didn’t accept email solicitations were culled, cutting my list to about 800. My list was then culled further to only100 agents who were interested in business books, non-fiction and prescriptive books (most agents listed the types of books they typically published). And lastly, 100 emails were sent to these agents, with a succinct message about the book and author background.

Here are the results of the highly targeted email campaigns to the 100 literary agents:

  • 100 Sent
  • 9 Interested
  • 32 Not interested
  • 59 No response

Within a month of the initial emailing, 9% of the targeted agents expressed interest, 32% were not interested and there was no response from 59% of the agents. Normally it’s a good idea to follow-up an emailing like this with a phone call, however most literary agents prefer no phone calls, many stating so on their web site. Of the nine agents who expressed interest in the book query, four of them asked for a full proposal (a proposal usually has a biography, marketing section, competition section, chapter outline and sample chapters). Another four agents asked for a printed proposal and mail it to them, and one asked if they could immediately contact publishers about the topic to determine if they had interest.

The digital book proposal was sent to all four agents who requested it via email attachment, and within a few days, an agent was signed. It took less than four weeks from the time the literary agent email list was initially targeted, to sign a prominent agent.

Although there are additional nuances involved with successful current email marketing best practices, the basics used for this seven year old campaign are very similar to that which can be used for successful digital marketing and lead generation today.