
Significance Of Cloud-Based Applications For Businesses

Cloud stores all your data, documents, and information on the servers on the internet. Cloud service providers allow running applications on a web browser through an internet connection, rather than running them on your computer’s hard drive. Cloud-based apps or simply Cloud apps are thus those applications, for which the users have to pay for using the software without installing them on their computer or maintaining servers.

Cloud technology has been a big buzz in the business world, with a large number of companies preferring to use cloud services. Cloud-based applications can take your business to the next level without the need of upfront capital investment. Let us have a look at some of the major reasons for businesses to choose Cloud apps:

Reduced cost of ownership

Cloud apps reduce the cost of ownership for businesses, as Cloud services are on the pay-as-you-go basis. Businesses can use them without setting up the whole IT infrastructure, thus reducing the capital expenditure associated with purchasing hardware, software, and servers.

Businesses can plan and manage their expenses in a better way by paying a fixed amount of subscription fees regularly, which includes hosting costs, maintenance, technical support, upgrades and more.

Reduced maintenance

Cloud apps lower down the requirement of maintenance for upgrading to latest versions. Until and unless the updates do not bring some functionality change or enhancements, they will not affect the users. Automatic updates in Cloud free businesses from worrying about system maintenance and spending time and money on upgrading manually, whenever there are new updates.

Improved access

Businesses choose Cloud over an on-premise system due to increased accessibility. There is an increase in productivity as businesses get access to real-time data, helping them take better and quick decisions. Cloud-based apps provide flexibility as employees can access them from anywhere and from any device by connecting to internet.

Increased scalability

Cloud makes it easy for businesses to add or remove users. In the case of a business requiring additional storage space, Cloud service providers can add servers or shift the server load to other servers. This provides scalability to businesses and meets their growing needs.

Improved collaboration

Cloud makes real-time collaboration possible, as different employees can work on the same document from multiple locations. Team members can work on the same project simultaneously by signing in and get access to all recent updates. Cloud apps thus improve efficiency and allow employees to interact with each other from any part of the world.

Better data protection

There is always a risk of losing valuable business information from the computer. Businesses can lose their data during any disaster or natural calamity leading to huge losses. Cloud-based backup system helps businesses to recover their data within no time. This ensures data protection and hassle-free business operations.

Businesses can significantly reduce their initial cost of infrastructure set up through cloud applications and save on paying their IT infrastructure technical personnel. Cloud apps are beneficial to businesses in getting a competitive edge and enhancing their ROI. They help in improving cash flow and business efficiency, with an ability to meet the growing demands of a business.


Can The Nokia N9 Match The Standards Set By The Samsung Galaxy S2?

Nokia have recently released details of their forthcoming smartphone the N9 which has attracted much interest due to its incorporation of a new operating system in the form of Meego. Meego is a collaboration between Nokia and Intel and looks set to compete directly with the likes of Android and Windows 7. Prior to this handsets announcement the model that was gaining the most media attention was undoubtedly the Samsung Galaxy S2. This model has proved a hit with both experts and consumers thanks to a perfect blend of looks and features. So can the Nokia N9 overshadow the Samsung or does the Galaxy S2 remain the best device of 2011?

When Samsung introduced the Galaxy S2 one of the most striking aspects of the phone was the ultra slim depth which measures just 8.5mm. Combined with the angular design the phone is one of the best looking devices currently available and many models have unsuccessfully attempted to better this layout. In the N9 however we have a handset that may well rival the Galaxy S2 in this department. The display of the phone has been pushed to the limits on this model in the sense that there is barely any frame, the screen literally takes you to the very edge of the device. The screen also boasts a curved design which adds to the aesthetic value of this model. The Galaxy S2 has many admirers for its looks but perhaps the one area where you can feel slightly let down by this handset is the plastic back plate which differs from the more expensive feeling metal panel that was fitted on the original model. Despite the Nokia stealing ahead of the Samsung in terms of looks the Galaxy S2 gains some ground when we compare the two screens. Both models use a form of AMOLED technology with the Galaxy S2 using the superior Super AMOLED which enables it to achieve its wafer thin measurements. In addition to the higher quality the Samsung also offers a larger 4.3″ screen which despite making it better for multi media viewing does mean the 480 x 800 resolution is stretched a little further. The Nokia on the other hand offers a smaller 3.9 inch display with a higher 480 x 854 resolution which compensates for the slightly lesser technology that it uses.

With modern phones able to conduct all manner of tasks the processing power of the handset is becoming ever more vital. There really is no handset to rival the Samsung Galaxy S2 in this area thanks to its powerful dual core processor. The ARM Cortex A9 processor is clocked at a speed of 1.2Ghz which is the highest available on a mobile phone. The N9 is fairly well equipped in this area but just not to the extent of the Samsung. The ARM Cortex A8 chip offers 1Ghz which is a substantial speed but the chip does only offer a single core as opposed to Samsungs two. The major difference between these two models is when it comes down to the operating system. Android is firmly established and is the OS of choice for many users and only time will tell whether Meego can eventually rival this platform. The early signs are good but we have to back Android in this instance thanks to the wealth of downloads available together with HTCs faultless Sense user interface.

The Nokia N9 is an interesting and exciting addition to the marketplace but any high specification new phone is bound to be compared to the Galaxy S2 and in this case the Nokia comes very close but cannot quite match the overall package that the Samsung offers.


Tricks to Develop a Mobile App for Business!

Mobile application development has surely brought a bulk of opportunities for new and existing businesses. It is because the world has turned to mobile and it has become the latest communication medium. Now, companies are looking forward to develop their own mobile apps so that they can better communicate and sell their products to their target audience.

However, it is really not easy to come up with a functional and an app which can drive audience to purchase. An effective mobile app is something what requires efforts, time and money. If you are also looking forward to the tricks and tips for the development of effective mobile app, following article is useful to go through;

Understand your client

When you begin with development, it is very important that you have a healthy discussion with your client about the process, app’s requirements and detail of every single thing. You have to inquire from your client about different aspects so that you can plan according to it. Make sure that you are always in contact with your client at every phase of development to exchange thoughts.

Begin with samples

It is very useful and relevant to draw rough sketch of the app on paper just after you gather all information from your client. Based on information, various rough screens can be sketched and you can select the ones which suit the purpose best. Once relevant screens are selected, it is useful to discuss the details with the design & development team.

Do suggest

Information from the client is not enough, you need to use your expertise and make some useful suggestions to your clients about the user-handling, design and development. It is fantastic to make the client understand the latest technology trends and current practices so that a successful mobile app can be developed without errors. Do remember that usability is the only factor which plays an important role in the development of a successful app.

Shape a useful strategy

Once you have done all the paperwork and completed all discussion, a useful strategy has to be developed. To make it happen, you need to consult your designers, developers and other experts to come up with a strong-flawless strategy.

Design & Develop

When it comes to designing, there are many tools such as JavaScript, HTML-5, CSS-3 etc which can be used. Design is one of the most important parts of mobile app development as it develops the look and feel of the app through which users are attracted.

Make sure that your app is user-friendly, engaging and easily accessible to a wide audience. You need to make it available on different platforms so that people coming from different devices can access it easily.

Test your app

Once you are done with design and development, have your app tested in different conditions and situation to rectify mistakes and errors if any.

Hence, developing an app without technical, designing and development knowledge can cost investment and potential customers. However, following the above tips can help you do that without errors.


The Impact of Social Media in a Job Search and How It Helps You to Remain Motivated

Emergence of social media has had a huge impact on how employers and job seekers find each other. If you are looking forward to a successful job search, then you need to utilize social media maximally. The following are the ways in which social media has revolutionized job search.

It is Easy to Let Friends Know That You are Looking For a Job

Unlike way back when you had to keep the hustle to yourself and send out applications with the hope that interested employers will get back to you, with social media, you can let everyone know what you are up to. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, you can make it known to your friends, followers, relatives or even potential employers that you are looking for a job as well as the position that you are interested in. Even though this may not get you a job instantly, but when your contacts hear of any job openings, they will get in touch with you, and this will increase your chances of getting a job compared to if you had to do it on your own.

It Helps You to Create a Large Network

Even though most people use social media sites such as Facebook mostly for fun, it does not mean that they cannot be used for something else. From the many friends you have, there could be professionals or people in high ranks that you could establish solid networks with. Most of the people you have as friends on social media sites are people who naturally know you better, and therefore they are more likely to help you find the job you are looking for. It is imperative to therefore create a professional looking profile that stands out and also has the right photo to go with it. Be sure to include only valuable information in your personal profile.

How Social Media Helps You to Remain Motivated

Motivation is the foundation for a successful job search, and social media has emerged to be one of those platforms that can help you do that. Sites such as Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn will make you visible out there. But in order to reap the benefits of these platforms, you will need to be active and participative. You should always take time to chat with your contacts and remind them from time to time that you are still looking for a job. Do not just post an update that you are looking for a job and then disappear. Even though people might be interested in helping you, it is human nature to sometimes forget.

Another way to stay motivated on social media when you are looking for a job is to join forums and discussion groups that are in line with what you are looking for. By doing this, you will be marketing yourself and as a result you will be increasing your chances of landing a job. Be sure to expand your network every day, and also help others. You might know of an opening somewhere that isn’t for you, but you could know of someone in your network on social media whom the job could be suitable for. Just one act of kindness like that could open windows of opportunity in future.